Through the Archway

Jil Shi
4 min readOct 5, 2021

How It Feels to Publish My First Novel

It was a strange feeling to await the delivery of my own book.

It felt real before, but when the paperback arrived and I excitedly took it out of the envelope…I had ‘the moment’.

I was holding in my hands everything I’d worked towards for months. I was holding what started as an idea, which became something I really wanted to do, which then became a draft. And from that draft, came all the writing, editing, proofreading — round after round. The cover concept and design, identifying the right categories, purchasing ISBNs, submitting the work for copyright, crafting the book blurb and description, writing the acknowledgements…

I had ‘the moment’, standing there in my hall, and then I took the book into my home office and the desk I wrote it at. And sat down. As I gently flicked through the pages, I was transported back through the many weeks that had come before and I remembered all the times I had thought about this moment, how it would feel, and what it would mean. I remembered all of my emotions: the excitement, the despair, the self-doubt and, at times, complete overwhelm. Finally reaching the point when, to finish it, I had to accept the book it is and not mourn the book it’s not.

I still had an index card on my desk with why I wanted to do this written on it:

“to turn my experiences of the past eight years into a book and resources to help other people (and honour my own journey).”

I said I’d do it by 23 September 2021, which was the eight year anniversary of moving into my home. I had done that, too.

I thought about what this moment meant.

To help other people, all I can do is to tell my own story. I have no idea if people will like it, but I’ll never know if I don’t take a chance and put it out there.

To honour my own journey, I have written my first novel! And I have consolidated my life experience into something structured — in this case a book, with sections and chapters. I have processed my learning and made sense of it, and now I’m putting it out there.

All of this, though, is about something else, too. It is about going through an archway.

The Archway

I feel like I’m standing in front of a stone archway. There’s a beach and golden sun beyond and I just have to take a step through and I’m on the other side. I’m not leaving any of the things I’ve done before behind, I’m bringing them with me as I step through and into something new. My book is a new aspect to my identity, to my career.

I think that we go through many archways in our lives.

The reader, too, goes through their own archway. Through your story, and into their own reflections.


Since I have shared my book, I’ve realised that people reading it aren’t really reading my story, they’re thinking about their own, and what they can learn.

And as you share a part of you, people share back!

I have had some brilliant discussions with people on subjects we’d possibly never have spoken about, if they hadn’t asked about or read my book. I’ve connected to people I don’t think I would have otherwise. I’ve had support from places I didn’t imagine it could come from.

And people have said it has helped them. Not only in the ways I’d hoped it would, but in different and lovely ways.

There have been so many good moments I didn’t even envisage as I took the book out of the envelope and held it in my hands.

And that felt very far away from the moment I sat for the first time with a sheet of blank paper and an idea.

Now, I’m looking forward to continuing my journey. And moving towards my next archway…


My novel is called The Journey Through My Things (How I decluttered my life and found freedom). It’s the story of my eight year decluttering journey, what I learned, how I’ve experienced life on the other side of clutter and the changes it has led to in my life as a result. It’s available on most of the main bookseller sites under Jillian Shields e.g.

My website is



Jil Shi

I write about life, insights, minimalism, decluttering and other things that inspire me. Author at